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Most assisted processes are available through the command, where you can select to install, do a health check amongst others.

To access the menu options run the command in the shell prompt:

curl | bash

For Docker setup users read the corresponding version in the section Frequently Used Commands for Docker Setup

Systemctl Service Management


sudo systemctl enable lightning


sudo systemctl enable lightning


sudo systemctl start lightning


sudo systemctl stop lightning

To prevent any negative impact on the node's reputation, it's advisable to wait until the end of the Epoch (~24h) before shutting down the node when opting out. The same applies to nodes that have opted-in but are currently offline.

To learn more, read the Lightning-CLI section for command opt.


Shutting down a Node after an Epoch can be tedious, given the remaining time an Epoch can take to end. Doing it prematurely, will cause reputation penalties, e.g. shutting down before the participation state change to offline. Therefore, a shutdown utility is available in the Tools menu option of

To access it, execute the command:

curl | bash


sudo systemctl restart lightning


sudo systemctl status lightning

Lightning CLI

Show keys for user config

Show the keys by running the sub-commands keys show and declaring the configuration file location:

lgtn -c /home/<USERNAME>/.lightning/config.toml keys show

Network Participation management

Show help for opt into or opt out of network participation by:

lgtn opt help

The options are available should be made available to you as follows:

Opt into or opt out of network participation

Usage: lgtn opt [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

in Opt into network participation
out Opt out of network participation. Run this command before shutting down your node
status Query the participation status of your node

For example, to opt-in you'd run:

lgtn opt in

To prevent any negative impact on the node's reputation, it's advisable to wait until the end of the Epoch (~24h) before shutting down the node when opting out. The same applies to nodes that have opted-in but are currently offline.

To learn more, read the Lightning-CLI section for command opt.


Shutting down a Node after an Epoch can be tedious, given the remaining time an Epoch can take to end. Doing it prematurely, will cause reputation penalties, e.g. shutting down before the participation state change to offline. Therefore, a shutdown utility is available in the Tools menu option of

To access it, execute the command:

curl | bash

Diagnostic tools

Extended verification health check

curl -sS | bash

Health status

curl -w "\n" localhost:4230/health

Node details

curl -sS | bash

Analyzing Logs

Standard output

tail -f /var/log/lightning/output.log

Standard error

tail -f /var/log/lightning/diagnostic.log
Helder Oliveira
Helder OliveiraSoftware Developer + DXGot questions? Find us on discord!